In a devastating blow to the people of Saki, the sudden passing of Olori Waliyat, the wife of Kabiesi Oba Dr. Surveyoy Khalid Olabisi Ilugbemidepo I, the Okere of Saki, has left the entire community in mourning. The tragic news broke today, sending shockwaves across the region, where Olori Waliyat was widely respected for her contributions to the development of Saki and her unwavering support for her husband, the monarch.
In reaction to the unfortunate loss, Chief Folorunsho Adejumobi Adetola alias Ade Radio, the Otun Akinroogun of Saki Land, has issued a heartfelt statement extending his condolences to Kabiesi, the royal family, and the people of Saki.
In his statement, Chief Adetola expressed profound sorrow at the passing of Olori Waliyat, calling her departure an irreparable loss to the community. “Her kindness, compassion, and unwavering dedication to Kabiesi and the people of Saki will remain etched in our hearts,” he said. “She was not only a loving wife to Kabiesi, but a pillar of strength and an embodiment of grace, always standing beside her husband in the growth and progress of Saki.”
The Otun Akinroogun further prayed for divine strength and comfort for Kabiesi and the royal family as they navigate this difficult time. “May the Almighty grant Olori Waliyat eternal rest in His heavenly kingdom, and may Kabiesi and his family find solace in God’s boundless grace,” he added.
Chief Adetola also expressed his solidarity with the people of Saki, encouraging them to remain united in prayer and strength. He concluded by praying for peace and comfort for the entire Saki community, sharing in their grief and extending his deepest sympathies during this challenging period.
The people of Saki are expected to gather in solidarity with the royal family as the remains of Olori Waliyat was laid to rest this afternoon in line with islamic injuctions. As the community mourns, tributes continue to pour in, highlighting the life and legacy of a woman who devoted herself to her family, her people, and her community.
The Okere of Saki, Kabiesi Oba Dr. Surveyoy Khalid Olabisi Ilugbemidepo I, and his family remain in the thoughts and prayers of many, as they endure this profound loss.
May God Almighty Allah bless the soul of Olori Waliyat with Aljannah fridaous.